Medicines Australia

How Medicines Australia uses Advoc8 to manage its complex stakeholder network

Partner Profile

Medicines Australia is the leading peak body representing the research-based medicines industry in Australia. Partnering with the government, the health sector and communities to drive policy outcomes, Medicines Australia works to ensure that Australians have access to the most affordable and advanced medicines available. 

Before Advoc8

As a member-based organisation working with the government to deliver health-based policy outcomes, Medicines Australia wanted a better way  to track their stakeholder engagements, stay on top of government announcements, and co-ordinate more effectively both internally and with their members. The cross-functional teams within Medicines Australia worked alongside multiple member organisations and liaised with many government stakeholders, but had no consistent way to record key interactions and monitor what government stakeholders were saying across Parliament, social media and to traditional media. 

Working in Partnership

When Medicines Australia launched one of their biggest stakeholder engagement campaigns, the HTA review, it involved routine engagement with a complex network of government and health sector stakeholders, as well as constant communication with members. In partnership with Advoc8, Medicines Australia implemented a custom form to track stakeholder engagement in a way that aligned with the organisation’s existing success metrics, and made it easier to report progress against organisational goals to members.

In addition to Advoc8’s reporting capabilities, the team were able to provide powerful updates to their board, and keep them informed of government announcements around major events like elections using Advoc8’s social media, Parliament and media release tracking.

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